 Touring Turkey by car

About the Tour

Turkey in Pictures

The Sea

Turkish Holiday - The Gorge

A Car called Zarina

Shoe Shine Man

Pamukale Health Spars

The Hittite Empire 1600-1200 BC

Anatolia and Roman Antiquity

Troy in Fact and Legend


The Bosphorus

Tour Concluded - Reference and Web Site Links

The white minerals of Pamukale give your feet a pedicure. Bathe in the waters for muscle relaxation.
These pictures recall the journey there.

The route to the Pamukale Roman Remains

The walk to the Roman Remains takes you along a path that leads to the mineral baths. Along the white causeway gives your bare feet a pedicure. There is much opportunity to imbibe the spar water and relax in the minueral water.
Pilgrims Causeway

The pilgrims trek to imbibe the health restoring mineral water. They also pay homage to the Romans whose ancient city remains they view. Last but not least is the opportunity to buy souvenuers of their visit.
Mineral deposits

This has taken centuries to form but tourists wear away the mineral tramping over it. To conserve this matural wonder visiters remove their shows and walk bare footed. It is very uncomfortable. I found every step pergatory.!
Relaxation Therapy

The mineral enriched water provides the opportunity for a relaxation floating.

The step pools were a popular tourist attraction. So much pilgrim activity put this section of the Spar in danger. To conserve the natural beauty this is now out of bounds for bathing.

The rough surface provideed a natural way to have a foot pedicure.
Cool, Cool Water

Nature's Beauty. Experienced by the Roman's and civilizations since then and by pilgrimes in the 21st Century.

Natural Wonders to Behold.